AmbioTEK CIC is a UK not-for-profit that provides the software and hardware to better monitor and manage water, natural hazards and ecosystem services. These tools are constantly updated and we train staff of non-commercial organisations in low income countries in the appropriate use of these tools. This facility is funded by annual software user licenses paid by all commercial organisations users, from research partnerships and from bespoke consultancy arrangements where AmbioTEK apply these tools for you.
Contact AmbioTEK if you would like to work with us using these tools for research or consultancy. We can apply these tools anywhere in the world, focussing on:
Mapping current natural capital, water security, sustainable development goals
Policy/decision support such as biodiversity prioritisation, REDD + schemes, environmental SWOT analysis
Scenario simulation modelling under IPCC climate change scenarios, land cover change scenarios (eg afforestation / deforestation), land use change scenarios (eg potential impact on water quality)
Physical Climate Risk for Financial Services including Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability of global assets and supply chains at risk
Local monitoring capacity building with FreeStations with current applications in monitoring weather, air and water pollution, Natural Flood Management, and Regenerative Agriculture.
Get in touch with Sophia Burke at:
Our Products:
AmbioTEK CIC with King's College London and a range of partners have developed a range of Policy Support Systems. We use research-based global datasets and tools based on satellite remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems and simulation modelling to facilitate better decision-making for sustainable development. These Policy Support Systems focus on environmental hazard mitigation, conservation strategies, sustainable water resources development, climate change mitigation and adaptation through policy levers such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), and the evaluation of ecosystem service provision by natural and agricultural landscapes.
Water risk and water security under scenarios of IPCC Climate Change, Land Use Change and Land Management for water resource planning and benefit sharing mechanisms such as Payment for Ecosystem Services.
Natural capital and ecosystem services, identifying the human beneficiaries of these services, and assessing impacts of human interventions.
Environmental SWOT analysis considering environment, water, energy, food, economy and population. Identifies environmental threats, opportunities and choke points that may create conflict
A probabilistic natural catastrophe model which assesses risks, exposure, loss, mitigation and avoided loss for current natural capital and scenarios for climate and nature-based solution investments.
The FreeStation Initiative uses open source hardware and open source software to build and deploy reliable environmental data loggers with the lowest cost and easiest DIY build possible. These are designed to make reliable, detailed and local environmental data more accessible in areas that may have little local financial and technical capacity for the collection of such data.
We don't sell environmental loggers, but rather we provide an environmental monitoring service by building environmental loggers and installing and maintaining them for clients with monitoring needs. We can also develop monitoring strategies and sampling schemes, analysing the data and report the results to help answer a client's research question. We have particular strengths in defining strategy and effectiveness assessment for the impacts of urban and rural green investments including efficacy of SUDS investments. We cover monitoring of water resources, natural hazards and ecosystem services.
AmbioTEK Community Interest Company was registered in 2011 as a not-for-profit and is a certified member of Social Enterprise UK. We have carried out numerous projects for many major and individual clients, either as main contractor or specialist subcontractor. Some of the projects in our portfolio include:
Environment Agency, managed by Essex County Council: Natural Flood Management, Hockley Woods. Installation of bespoke water level loggers and a weather station. Maintenance of loggers on-site and data management.
Environment Agency, managed by River Waveney Trust: Natural Flood Management, Diss, Norfolk. Installation of bespoke water level loggers and a weather station. Maintenance of loggers on-site and data management.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Provision of services supporting water and ecosystem services modelling, monitoring, and training in Central Asia.
Sustainable and integrated water resource management in the Gediz River Basin, Türkiye.
Support for water policy in the Central Asian agri-food sector, emphasising the impact of climate change (focus on Tajikistan).
Enhancing health and water stewardship through agrochemical impact mitigation strategies (Uzbekistan).
Enhancing capacities for climate-resilient water management (Turkmenistan).
Environment Agency: Partner in the Catchment to Coast project under the Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme, funded by DEFRA UK. Focus: Reducing surface water and coastal erosion in Thurrock and Southend-on-Sea using innovative grey-green methods. Monitoring includes FreeStation weather stations, stage gauges, streamflow gauges, wind and wave power, soil moisture, and water quality.
EU H2020 Programme: Restarting the Economy in Support of the Environment through Technology. Field sites: UK (OxCam Arc, Thames Gateway, Strand Redevelopment), Madrid, Bologna, and Romania.
EU H2020 Programme: Nature Insurance Value: Assessment and Demonstration. Interventions such as leaky dams and flood retention areas across the UK, Romania, and Slovenia.
EU Framework 7 Programme: Improved use of satellite data for water resource management. Applications include drought and flood modelling under climate change in the Magdalena catchment (Colombia) and water quality modelling under land-cover change in Lake Peipsi (Estonia).
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office UK (REDAA-JICA): Wetland ecosystem modelling and valuation in Kalu Oya Basin, Sri Lanka.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office UK (REDAA): Creation of an accessible platform for natural capital and ecosystem services valuation tools (Co$tingNature/global)
The Nature Conservancy, USA: Nature-based solutions for adaptation.
Greater London Authority: Climate Resilient Schools Programme
Camden Town Council: Air quality analysis for the Swiss Cottage Open Space Improvement Scheme.
City of London Corporation: Deployment of FreeStations to assess drought resilience of raised beds.
Essex County Council: FreeStations for monitoring Natural Flood Management in Thorndon Country Park South.
The Nature Conservancy, USA: The Natural Climate Solutions Co-benefits project – mapping ecosystem service metrics using WaterWorld and Co$tingNature.
Camden Town Council: Investigating air pollution from commercial kitchens (Phase I).
Conservation International, USA: Nature’s Contributions to People (NCPs) in response to alternative land management strategies using Co$tingNature.
City of London Corporation: FreeStations to monitor sustainable urban drainage and microclimate improvement schemes at Cheapside, London.
AECOM: Mapping baseline hydrological ecosystem service provision and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) scenarios for Kenyan Mount Elgon using WaterWorld.
The Nature Conservancy, Colombia: Blue Energy Analysis (HEP dams) to support PES schemes in Brazil.
Environment Agency, Coventry: FreeStations to monitor Natural Flood Management in Upper Sherbourne.
Space4Climate, University of Reading: policy suopport systems data and tools training for Cabo Verde, Kenya, and Guinea.
AECOM: Using WaterWorld to implement a PES scheme in Chyulu Hills, Kenya.
World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge: Analysis of trade-offs and synergies between UN Sustainable Development Goals (Phase 2).
Shipston Area Flood Action Group: FreeStations to monitor the effectiveness of leaky dams in the headwaters of the River Stour, Warwickshire.
Space4Climate, University of Reading: Creating a demonstrator of satellite climate data and tools for financial services decision-making.
Southeast Rivers Trust, UK: Modelling impacts of tree planting and wetland creation in the River Beult using WaterWorld.
Inter-American Development Bank: WaterWorld simulation to estimate land-use change impacts on water quality in Ecuador and Brazil.
Equilibrium Research: Assessment of ecosystem services in protected areas towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Affinity Water Ltd: FreeStations for assessing land management under oilseed rape.
Affinity Water Ltd: FreeStations for cover crop trials in Hertfordshire and Kent.
Environment Agency, UK: FreeStations to monitor flood levels of the River Brain prior to Natural Flood Management installation in Witham, Essex.
Essex County Council: FreeStations for monitoring Natural Flood Management in Thorndon Country Park South.
Hertfordshire County Council: FreeStations for monitoring Natural Flood Management in Bishop’s Wood.
Buckinghamshire County Council: FreeStations for monitoring Natural Flood Management in the River Leck.
Equilibrium Research: Ecosystem services in the extant jaguar range.
Equilibrium Research: Ecosystem services in the extant lion range in Africa.
Royal Government of Bhutan: Valuation of forest ecosystem services.
World Wildlife Fund for Nature: Analysis of trade-offs and synergies between the SDGs.
Conservation International, USA: Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers.
Conservation International, USA: Ecosystem-based adaptation mapping for freshwater supply from Cloud Affected Forests.
Conservation International, USA: Mapping nature’s contribution to the SDGs in Uganda.
The Nature Conservancy, Peru: Weather station FreeStations and fog gauges for Brazil.
AECOM UK: Assessment of forest-based PES opportunities in Ethiopia.
McGill University: Calculating fragmentation metrics from global dam datasets.
Conservation International, USA: Identifying the natural capital component of SDGs.
Aberystwyth University: Hydrological ecosystem services in Lombok.
Tree Aid: Building resilience in natural resource management systems in the Sahel.
Conservation International, USA: PES scheme potential in Tapanuli district watersheds.
Conservation International, USA: Evaluating ecosystem adaptation for disaster risk reduction.
Conservation International, USA: Spatial analysis of climate change vulnerability in Rwandan wetlands.
Conservation International, USA: Sensitivity analysis of WaterWorld to vegetation cover in five sites.
RSPB International: Modelling productivity and soil load in Tanzanian catchments.
Global Canopy Programme, Oxford: Policy dialogues for Amazon water security.
Conservation International, USA: Review of freshwater service modelling tools.
International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka: Rainfed crop productivity spatial analysis across multiple basins.