AmbioTEK Community Interest Company

AmbioTEK CIC is a UK not-for-profit that provides the software and hardware to better monitor and manage water, natural hazards and ecosystem services.  These tools are constantly updated and we train staff of non-commercial organisations in low income countries in the appropriate use of these tools.  This facility is funded by annual software user licenses paid by all commercial organisations users, from research partnerships and from bespoke consultancy arrangements where AmbioTEK apply these tools for you.  

Contact AmbioTEK if you would like to work with us using these tools for research or consultancy. We can apply these tools anywhere in the world, focussing on:  

Get in touch with Sophia  Burke at:


Our Products:

Policy Support Systems (

AmbioTEK CIC with King's College London and a range of partners have developed a range of Policy Support Systems. We use  research-based global datasets and tools based on satellite remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems and simulation modelling to facilitate better decision-making for sustainable development. These Policy Support Systems focus on environmental hazard mitigation, conservation strategies, sustainable water resources development, climate change mitigation and adaptation through policy levers such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), and the evaluation of ecosystem service provision by natural and agricultural landscapes. 

 Water risk and water security under scenarios of IPCC Climate Change, Land Use Change and Land Management for water resource planning and  benefit sharing mechanisms such as Payment for Ecosystem Services.

Natural capital and ecosystem services,  identifying the human beneficiaries of these services, and assessing impacts of human interventions. 

Environmental SWOT analysis considering environment, water, energy, food, economy and population. Identifies environmental threats, opportunities and choke points that may create conflict 

A probabilistic natural catastrophe model which assesses risks, exposure, loss, mitigation and avoided loss for current natural capital and scenarios for climate and nature-based solution investments. 

FreeStation Environmental Monitoring (

The FreeStation Initiative uses open source hardware and open source software to build and deploy reliable environmental data loggers with the lowest cost and easiest DIY build possible. These are designed to make reliable, detailed and local environmental data more accessible in areas that may have little local financial and technical capacity for the collection of such data. 

We don't sell environmental loggers, but rather we provide an environmental monitoring service by building environmental loggers and installing and maintaining them for clients with monitoring needs.  We can also develop monitoring strategies and sampling schemes, analysing the data and report the results to help answer a client's research question.  We have particular strengths in defining strategy and effectiveness assessment for the impacts of urban and rural green investments including efficacy of SUDS investments.  We cover monitoring of water resources, natural hazards and ecosystem services.

AmbioTEK Community Interest Company was registered in 2011 as a not-for-profit and is a certified member of Social Enterprise UK. We have carried out numerous projects for many major and individual clients, either as main contractor or specialist subcontractor.  Some of the projects in our portfolio include: